A.H. Wiki

The A.H. Universe

This wiki is currently a work in progress. The comics are being revitalized for the modern age, and as progress is made, you will see it here.

The Saviors





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Legacy Lore

There used to be a whole bunch of information here, but it has been retired to make room for the revamp. If you would like to access it, you can find it all under the Legacy Lore category

Featured Character

Cquote1 You thought you could beat me? Beat this! Cquote2
Dr. Thoughtstealer

Jarenx (or Dr. Thoughtstealer as he becomes known as) was originaly a stygaxian. he took over the goverment of stygax and tried to take over Earth many times in a series of events . Thoughtstealer is the biggest AH villain, and has the biggest backstory.

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Featured Article

Cquote1 Don't Call Me THAT!. Cquote2

Pyr-0 was once a stygaxian called Mygox. Mygox's best friend was called Jarenx, whose third eye (the one that gives a stygaxian acces to psionic powers) didn't open. Jarenx went on a quest with Mygox to the temple of Dren (the goddess of psionics) to cure his problem. however, this temple had recently been taken over by cultists of Xarren (the god of evil and treachury). they told Jarenx to make a thought-stealer ray to get the thoughts of other beings. with this weapon, Jarenx proceded to preform a bloody coup, and his friend Mygox helped him. when Jarenx (now Dr Thoughtstealer) turned his sights on planet earth for conquest, he was defeated by two young superheroes called Matter and Volt.

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  • When you're editing, always organize your articles into headers and sub-headers. It will look much nicer than keeping it together in one big page, and it will help other users find the section that they are looking for in your article.
  • When you create an article, be sure to categorize them appropriately into one of the main categories; Characters, Locations, Events, and Stories; it'll make finding your articles a lot easier. Using sub-categories (especially for characters) can help even more!
  • Use M-C as your helpdesk! If you can't do something or something's going on which is not right, then she should probably be able to figure it out. If she can't help, then you could ask on the Help Wiki!

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